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Our Team

Our Team


Operations Director
Operations Manager
Regional Operations Manager
Regional Operations Coordinator
Regional Operations Manager
Country Manager Thailand
Terminal Manager Thailand
SSHE Manager Thailand
Aviation Operations Manager Italy
Operations and QSSHE Coordinator
Operations Coordinator
Finance Supply Chain and Operations Analyst
Purchasing Analyst


Maria Rosaria Orsi

Operations and QSSHE Coordinator

Based: Rome, Italy Email: [email protected]

M. Rosaria joined Q8 Italy (Kupit) in 2003. She worked as Senior Buyer in the Purchasing Department and as Alternative Energy and SSHE Coordinator in the Engineering Department.

She joined the Aviation business in November 2013, being appointed as Operations Coordinator first and Operations Coordinator & QSSHE in 2015.

Her main activities are to coordinate the technical aspects of the Italian airport and depot operations and assist with the monitoring of the ISO 9001, RC14001 and SSHE systems. M. Rosaria holds a Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

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