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Our Team

Our Team


Operations Director
Operations Manager
Regional Operations Manager
Regional Operations Coordinator
Regional Operations Manager
Country Manager Thailand
Terminal Manager Thailand
SSHE Manager Thailand
Aviation Operations Manager Italy
Operations and QSSHE Coordinator
Operations Coordinator
Finance Supply Chain and Operations Analyst
Purchasing Analyst


Khaled Al-Bader

Operations Director

Based: Woking, UK

Khaled has worked for Q8 since 2000 and has held a diverse range of senior roles within business units including the International Diesel Service in Belgium, the NSRP Refinery in Vietnam and the Corporate Head Office in Kuwait.

He holds a BS in Petroleum Engineering & Economics from the Colorado School of Mines, USA.

In 2021, Khaled joined Q8Aviation as Operations Director, where he is in overall charge of the management and strategic direction of the Q8Aviation Operations Division, including all of the Joint Ventures and Throughput operations globally.

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